Monday, December 17, 2007

A win for the good guys

The Software Freedom Law Center's (SFLC) court case against Verizon for BusyBox GPL violations might still be pending, but they just got Xterasys to settle. According to the SFLC's complaint, they informed Xterasys back in 2006 that they were violating the GPL, but Xterasys took no action to rectify the situation until this week. According to

As part of the settlement Xterasys will cease distributing BusyBox code until the SFLC can verify that Xterasys is in compliance with the GPL. Xterasys will also appoint an internal person to ensure GPL compliance. There is also an undisclosed financial sum that Xterasys will pay.

Needless to say, this is a major victory for FOSS and the GPL. Keep it up, SLFC. You're on the side of the angels.

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